Friday, July 18, 2008

Booty vs. Food

I was on Sandra Rose and I came across this video.
It was a documentary about the penitentiary and how homosexuality is becoming very very common and one dude they interviewed stated that "A mans booty is more important then food".
Just watch the video.

You Should Be Here >>>>>>

Here's the list of this weekends events!

July 18th
Dizzy rascal at the High line ballroom 9:00pm ($20.00)

July 19th
Siren Music festival 2008 Coney Island boardwalk 1pm(Free)

July 20th

Santagold Central park summer stage 4:00Pm (FREE)

July 21st

John Legend and Estelle Wingate park in Brooklyn 7:30 (FREE)

Aternoon Delight !

I haven't seen Mya in so long so you can imagine how much of a pleasant surprise it was seeing her
in this photo. She looks AMAZING Positivley Radiant!
Have an eye full