Tuesday, October 21, 2008


My friend Tim is a producer and he does a lot of his work at one of his friends studio.
He wanted me to record with him so me and Tata headed over to BK to go visit.
I'd been told by both Tata and Tim that his place was amazing but it wasn't until I actually saw it myself that I realized exactly how amazing it was.
It's this huge spacious loft with wall to wall bamboo flooring and the works!
I'm actually in love with it.
We stayed up till like 3:00 am talking and all that and It wasn't until I really got into a conversation with this guy did I realize how funny he was.
Now when I say funny I don't mean joke funny I mean Half Baked funny.
He's one of those guys that smoked a lot of shit growing up and is now that he's older he's reaping the affects.
It was so funny watching him try to complete a story or a sentence even.
And he's def in one ear so he never really hears what you said
You'll have said"Yeah I really like lilly's" and He'd be like"I'm sorry ,did you say somebody got kicked int he kidneys!"
But he 's mad cool and very hospitable.
He let us stay the night.
When I woke up in the morning the apartment looked even more beautiful with the morning lite beaming on it.I actually took a few pics but you don't get the full effect from them.
He let us use the studio and we recorded this rock song him and Tim had been working prior to our visit but they wanted a female voice so Tata got on it but she couldn't take her self seriously.
neither could we
I gave it a try ,I had to channel my inner rock goddess and It came out decent.
I just can't take listening to myself I just start laughing. Tata came back and recorded the Bridge and then it was time for us to do our riffs. Tim wanted to do his first but he needed suggestions so I gave them.. I was like you gotta Sing it like this
" Go on, Go on Move it RIGHT ALONG!!!!!!"

I was asking him to channel his inner Bruce springstein but it ended up sounding CRAZY.I hadn't laughed that hard in sooo long!
His attempt is burned in my memory and Now when I'm alone and forced to thin for longer than 5 minutes I bust out in laughter because out of nowhere I'll hear his voice like
If you all could have heard it you would have been in tears .
The whole day was full of moments like that.
Alex actually gave us an open invitation to come by whenever we're in the area.
I thought that was really nice of him.
We should be over there again soon maybe I'll actually be able to get a pic of him so you guys can get a better visual.