Saturday, June 20, 2009

When I see lips begging to be kissed....

I can't Stop... I CANT STOP MYSELF!
Klaus Nomi
This man ,this wonderful man..this man without fail gets me out of my lowest of moods with the very sound of his voice.He is legendary in his own right for fusing classical voice[ opera] with pop. People swore he was an alien and some people hated his music but they're crazy.
This genius man passed away august of 1983 and left behind wonders like "Lightning Striking" that will continue to light up [no pun] peoples lives forever.

Black and Gold

This a concept that I've me tossing back and forth in my mind for the last couple of months..I tried a taste of the platinum blond this past New years and loved it but Im thinking I wanna be a little more bold and do the whole head..Give a bit of a Storm affect [lol] The reason is remained a thought for so long is because I don't want to make this drastic change and instead of giving and ovah look end up looking like a dance hall for now it's still a though.t I'll just play with blonde in other ways till i find something I like...

I Can't Read Your Mind

"I keep making you high off of this love Blowing your mind"
-Erykah badu


I've been thinking about my future living situation a lot lately.. I know that its soley because im 20 years old and still live at home with my 4 younger brothers in my little room that seems to be shrinking monthly..Im growing out of it and im so anxious to have something I can call my own...wide open spaces on about 3 acres of land with a creek and garden ,I'll be good.