Wednesday, September 10, 2008

..::: Truth Is Truth ::...

Get into his other videos too.

..::: Respration :::...

Bitch you better!
The music video is on its way

...::: I like :::....

I know all us ladies can relate.If you choose to be honest
"Wicked glee , Naughty brown thighs" I love that.
Arianne Benford (on the right) and Eboni (on the left) perform " Clench"

I love all the different elements of this performance .Kesed, Soulfoul Jones, Arianne Bedford & Eboni perform Group Piece "Dunbar"

...:::: Someboy's Gotta Say It :::...

OMG A friend of mine Posted this in a bulletin this afternoon.It's just a bit of ridiculousness.You don't have to read it but if you plan on going to a social event or party and want a conversation starter this could def be it!
This song is definately raising a bit of havoc within the world isn't it. People are saying all types of things
"She's a bad influence for my kids" being one of them.This is what I say
If you raise your kids right They will no
t be "influenced" by songs like this.I hate when people try to blame the media on whats happening to there children.
For instance
Remember when the little girl drowned in the ocean while trying to find Sponge Bob?
God rest her soul but if her parents would have sat her down and said " Look baby there is no Bikini Bottom and No talking Crabs Sponges Or star fish Running around with pants on int he ocean,It's just something Nickelodeon made up to entertain you" Then she wouldn't have dove into the ocean trying to find bikini Bottom! And where the hell were her parents when all this was going on?
That played a big part in her death as well.

As a parent you are Fully responsible in making sure your child is properly educated on the realities of life.That means making sure they know whats real and whats not and also letting them know about sex and all the stuff parents rely on the outside world to teach them.You can't be mad at Nickelodeon for your child's death! Not to seem insensitive but thats your fault..Period. If you were paying attention your child wouldn't have drowned,If you were paying attention just a little you would have been able to prevent it, Figure out why she did it and let her know why NOT to do that anymore.If you want your child to be brought up a certain way You must teach them.If you want to prevent somethign from happening you must take preventative caution. IF your child gets home from school earlier than you get home from you work you either A.get a baby sitter or B. put them in an after school program.Why? To keep them out of trouble and make sure they are taken care of because Ultimately you don't want anything bad to happen to them. If you want your child to go to an IVY League college what do you do?
You get them the best education and make sure you save money. It all boils down to you talking to your children and opening that line of communication with them so that you can talk to them about Anything.Pay attention to your kids So you can stop the problem before it starts. As far as Sexuality is concerned let them know that they have a choice , love is love regardless of gender .Don't confuse them By saying" when you find love go for it" but when you find out it's with the same sex turn around and say " We are disowning you" or "I don't under
stand". Also Let them know that Love isn't always what it seems and to be safe in the decisions that they make .If they need help making a decision you are there to help them through it.
This whole "gay is wrong "and "your going to hell if your gay " shit is ridiculous. This is all coming from the same people that molest little boys IN CHURCH and the Murderers and sick Bastards that built America .What nerve! I can't even get into that right now thats another day and another post.
People say " God Made Adam And Eve Not Adam And Steve",But if you actually study the time in which the bible was written you'd know that gay marriage wasn't uncommon at all and to be gay was just as " normal" as being straight.So if you really want to get into that do your research, It's evident that man and women were made to pro-create but fact of the matter is we like bea
utiful things naturally So that attraction to the same sex came just as naturally .I don't believe that God, the Benevolent Being, Forgiver of all sins would Condemn us to firey pits of hell for the rest of our days for loving the same sex. Really.. think about it.
But anyway these are MY opinions and views
No one elses
From me to you

Church turns pop lyrics into a bit of brimstone
'Loving warning' about homosexuality isn't a hit with all who see it
Thursday, September 4, 2008 3:43 AM
By Kelly Lecker


The Rev. Dave Allison said the church's sign, which plays off the lyrics of a hit pop song, reflects the Scriptures' unambiguous stance on homosexuality.
I kissed a girl and I liked it.

Those lyrics have made Katy Perry's pop song a big hit on the radio.

But when a local church put the song lyrics on its marquee -- followed by the words then I went to hell -- some people got angry.

People driving by Havens Corners Church in Blacklick yesterday morning noticed the sign, aimed to warn people about what the church says is the sin of homosexuality.

"It's not something that is really a shock if you're a scriptural person," said the Rev. Dave Allison, pastor of the 100-member church at Havens Corners and Reynoldsburg-New Albany roads. "We meant that as a loving warning to teens. … The Scriptures tell us that you should not do what the song tells you to do. The Scriptures are not ambiguous on this issue. "

The song, which has topped the charts and become an international hit, is about a girl kissing another girl.

Allison said he has heard from people who, he said, either were not familiar with the song and didn't understand the cultural reference, or didn't understand the message.

Lynne Bowman, director of Equality Ohio, a gay and transgender advocacy group, said every church has a right to its beliefs. Havens Corners has made it clear to everyone who drives by that it is not a welcoming place that accepts all people, she said.

She noted that the church's vision, stated on its Web site, is to grow in membership. "Obviously they're making a statement as to how they don't want to do that," she said.

She said Equality Ohio has identified at least 300 churches in Ohio that welcome gay people looking for a church home. "That sign just tells them where they cannot go to find the love and faith in Christ," she said.

Wendy Olinski of Reynoldsburg got the message loud and clear. She heard about the sign from her neighbor, who had driven by the church, and she went to check it out for herself.

"It was obvious: 'If you're gay, you're going to hell.' At first I have to say I laughed hysterically because I was shocked," she said. "But that's going way too far. It's just rude. "

let's gooooo katy! (: