Tuesday, March 17, 2009

What's in the Teachins Of Peaches?

Whats funny is that i was thinking of attaching some hair to a coat.. lol..Peaches is pictured here DJing in Tribeca..I would have gagged if she caught me off guard with this

Balmain Fall 2009

These designs are exquisite ..I've just found the designer of my wedding dress ..
I'm seriously in love..



... when ur known for ur strength
nobody wants to hear u bitch & moan ....

So good Ft The Dee-vine Feline!

* In the unforgettable words of Chris Crocker*So let's talk Electrik red...
I've been following them since they were back up dancers .
..Leslie.. Binky.. Sarah... the only one that's new to me is Naomi..but that's beside the point..
I'm working on some choreography to "So good"...
I'm really into the whole chorus line dancer thing.. maybe i'll perform at a club...who knows..
but you'll def see it first.. ;p

Num Num,,,

A slice or two of Juniors Cheesecake would be delicious right now...

The Theory Of Man

(photography by Kiara Towns)
Sunday, February 8, 200No
Nocturnes Theory #1
"In the beginning..
The right men will do the wrong things
and the wrong men will do the right things.
In the end..
The wrong men will still be the wrong men
and the right men will be with the wrong women."

So so true...
click here to visit her blog

On Repeat

Pardon My Banjee

Me and the notorious Cartel gagged yesterday...We all know how much trouble jealousy can get you into...I'm not at all fazed by it in fact it's provides me a bit of something to giggle about throughout my day but do yourself a favor and don't attach my name to words I've never said..

Im a Magician

It's been a long disputed topic...Who's stronger? Men or Women ? ...
You know, and this not just because I'm a women but ... I think that women take the cake..
We are each the way we are because of conditioning and programing...
When little baby boy is born into this world they are given a football and throughout their life they are taught not to cry because crying makes you "soft" they are also told that strength is weighed in muscle..
We on the other hand are taught that being thin is beautiful and thats the way all the girls are supposed to be ,given a baby doll and taught that crying is ok ...The only difference between men and women is the program...With that being said we still manage to be stronger than men ... women are perfectly capable of doing everything that men do with child or menstrual ..lol ..
Not to mention the power of the P.U.S.S.Y...
So if you are in Doubt or maybe have forgotten I have a little something for you....
Your are magician