Tuesday, July 22, 2008


I'm at a point in my life were I'm beginning to see things more clearly, people more clearly.I've notice that as of late no matter how nice or helpful you are certain people are just always going to want more from you,People that I consider to be good friends & family.The friend that only calls or comes around when he/she needs something from you and The close friend of the family that ended all contact with you when you didn't want a part in their elaborate scheme on the road to stardom.
It's all just whacked.I don't like to feel used.I give and I do for people what I would like done for me, common courtesy. I'm beginning to think thats not the case though.
This year is one of change.It's time to make it all happen for myself. It's time to stay close to people that are trying to do the same and or be as much of a friend to me as I am to them.I don't tolerate negativity very well so I will remove it all,simple as that It only makes things complicated for me.I need not to be focused on why people can't see the good in what I do only the bad.It's always the bad they focus on... after all the years and all the favors and all the time spent on helping them with there dramas and issues in the end they don't even remember it. So they are gone.I wanna be happy and successful and fulfilled and after making all the necessary changes in my life and in my self I will be.
With No regrets,