Christy BallestasFreelance PhotographerDot.comOkI had an amazing photo shoot on Tuesday with this
phenomenal free lance photographer ,
Christy Ballestas.It all happened in this wonderful alley off of a busy main street in one of the neighborhoods I used to live in.It was all about odd shapes and free movement.
I'd never shot with her before and I was happy to know that she was so professional and open to ever thing I did.I told you before she was an old friend of mine but I hadn't hung out with her in a good 6 years.We had fun , caught up and relearned each other.She told me she played bass guitar and sang in a band ,I told her I was starting my company. We shared our ideas for our futures and it was really cool.We got some
AMAZING shots! She was really great, I can't wait to show you guys.Hold your breath till about early next week.