Thursday, October 16, 2008

Can we say dope
I definately love the song and I had to share with you all
So from me to you
Theophilus London -TNT


Bucket List

Everybody has a list of things they'd like to do before they die right?
Well I do and one of the things on my list was to walk across the George Washington Bridge.Me and my girl Tata Khashigolinee actually just did it yesterday.
October 15, 2008 will go down in the books y'all as one of the most fulfilling days in my life.
Next time I'll do it in heels!
That'll just be one of those things I can bust out in a conversation.
" Walking In heels is second nature for me I actually just walked across the George Washington Bridge in a 4 inch pair the other day.. And I'm still Standing"
( pay me no mind when I say things like that)
Anyway the views as you can imagine were amazing and because it's fall the leaves of the tree's had hints of red and orange in them that just added all the more beauty to the landscape.
We actually stopped a few times to stair and look out at the water,it was really beautiful But was dangerous as hell too!
We almost got ran over I'd say 3 times by bicyclists pedaling through.
It was so funny because I kept looking back trying to make sure that it didn't happen and it happened 3 times!lol
We'll probably do it a lot more often now that we've realized it's not even that long of a walk.
Tata said It felt like 3 aves and I agree.
It was a beautiful day too I'm sure if we would have done it on a day the was much hotter or chillier we'd be singing a totally different tune.
: )Lots-o-love