Monday, August 4, 2008


Park Slope or Williamsburg or Bed stuy they say it's like the new Manhattan (lol)
I'm not quite sure what area Iwant to be in but i know i want to be there. I love the vibe that Brooklyn has every time I go there it feels like it's hugging me and every time I leave it feels like I shouldn't be. I've been to a lot of different events there this summer and the culture it holds is out of this world , I love it! When i go to different events and the dj or host screams " BROOKLYN MAKE SOME NOISE!" I scream lol
If Brooklyn was personified we'd be distant lovers and I'd dedicate him this song


Alexandra Joye Houston said...

Move to Bed-Stuy honey!

Anonymous said...

Brooklyn is simply a borough that's diverse. Right after the bronx of the creation of hip-hop, BROOKLYN defintely puts it's stamp on tons & tons of accomplishments. So when u hear is BROOKLYN IN THE HOUSE. The massives come out STRONG REPPIN Bklyn NYC.


*If you want add me 2 your blogroll, and I'll defintely pass thru & spread sum luv!*