Joshua Bennett

They were all extremely cool people a lot of them are apart this group called Urban Word and they were definately representing that night. There was a new performer up on stage and her name was Bintu she performed a poem that had me and my friends yelling YES! at the stage snapping and cracking up! She had a line in her poem " Fuck My Soul" we couldn't stop laughing because we were all suppose to right 4 different poems entitled "fuck my soul" and have our own little slam one night {lol} so when we heard her say it we lived!
She's mad cool and we wish her the best of luck in all her future endeavors. We spoke to another amazing poet by the name of Janine -Brave ,she got on the stage and made it seem as though it was too small.Her words were So strong and Sincere , Janine informed us that the next time she'd be performing was that friday which is today! So if the rain lets up I'm so in there and I strongly urge you guys to come out if you can. It's the Nuyorican Poetry Cafe Located on 236 east 3rd {between aves B and C} here's the site:

All these young artist are so inspirational to me and I really need that to forge me ahead in these next couple of months . I have taken on a lot in this year to come so all These young Poets ,Dancers ,Singers and Designers that I've been meeting are essentially my driving force
Much love to all of you
you all are greatly appreciated
Check out some of there poetry below
Joshua Bennett
Alexis Marie
Janine brave( In the Middle)
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